Tuesday, August 7, 2012


1st of all, these are the messiest heffas I’ve seen in a long time! They are as bad as these messy heffas in Fresno

So let’s break it down. Let me start w/the obvious. The 3way drama between Jose, I mean Joseline, Steebie and dummy, I mean Mimi. Yes I can understand Mimi wanting her daughter to have a family so that’s why she keeps trying but at the end of the day, she can’t turn a boy into a man! Trust me, that’s a lesson I had to learn myself. I am so sick of looking at Stevie’s evil facial expressions! Did you see the face he made when he was talking about Joseline and Mimi just letting him run things? Well here it is…disgusting. That’s the Sheppard for the devil!!! The D must be good because his face ain’t the business and his attitude is the worse! But damn he got his ass beat last night!!! Dang how he gonna get beat up by Scrappy now Joseline? I told yall that fool is sweet. He on the DL for real. That’s why he gets along so well w/Jose I mean Joseline. I loved how Mimi just scooted on over and sat there like what? Then she was like, “hit him once for me.” Too funny. Sorry ass DD (Drama Dude). So he got this Tammie Grant female pregnant but is engaged to Joseline? What makes her think he’s going to be faithful to her? They are some desperate ass females for real.

Now Scrappy’s a typical sorry ass dude. OMG I swear he gotta be from Fresno cause man, I’ve seen his kind way too many times before. Playing that BD role. You know, lying up under the next broad but be texting the BM about how he missing her and wanna be with her. Yall work from the same play book or what? And he be lying to both of them. Um and Shay old sorry ass is dumb for real! She think Flav called her Bucky because she had a big butt like a horse. Nope it’s because she got a face like a horse with her old lifted weave! Heffa step your weave game up, on TV with that Fresno weave in your head. She walking around like she the one and only. Heffa you the professional side chick. She can’t see Scrappy’s ass is bipolar?! The BM is always going to be the mail chick in his heart dummy because she has the child. If Shay had a kid of her own, she’d know that. And when he drops her on her big ass, she’ll be happy she got all that cushion back there! I hope Erica moves on and get herself a QM (Quality Man) because she deserves it. I know how she feels about her daughter and wanting her to have a father but it’s the same with Mimi’s case. He ain’t ready to be no quality father and her daughter deserves that more than just a regular old dude. She needs to do what’s best for her and her daughter and believe me, he ain’t it!


Oh and as for old ass Rasheeda, forget gangsta rap, she needs to be doing grandma rap! I mean really, who keeps rapping at that age. I mean she maybe was hot 10yrs ago but her statue of limitation has passed. But hey if Waka’s momma can do for her what she did for his career than maybe she has a shot because her hubby ain’t the one. Some people just have to accept the fact that they ain’t good at some things and obviously management is not his strong point. I mean don’t DLO stand for Down Low? They say that’s very big in ATL…I’m just saying.

Now the Grandma Red and Big Head Zino saga…C’mon yall know she hella old. Talking about she’s 29, in dog years maybe. What is with these old woman trying to jump start their music careers? Don’t they know theirs an age limit on making it big in the singing business, unless they’re doing Jazz or Gospel? I’m just saying. Does anyone else think that Karlie is playing Benzino? I mean she looks like an opportunist to me. Like how she tried to kiss Joselyne’s but so she can work w/Stevie and then was like “Guess who I’m talking to?” Ok c’mon on now. She not even cool like that w/Joseline but gonna talk to her about him like they buddies! She a hot mess! Plus Benzino looks like a monster! Yall know he scary looking. He got that big ole head, no neck, his face is falling off his scull and he got this little ole body. Then his old ass got the nerve to be sagging. First of all, sagging looks stupid anyway but it looks way worse anyone older than 25!!! Now this fool want to marry Karlie’s old ass?! How long have they been together anyway? I mean I know when a man is finally ready to settle down, time don’t matter but dang, she already didn’t want to take his key to the house cause her management said he ain’t hot. Now that he got her some meetings and photo shoots, he got her heart?! Um sounds like an opportunist to me. I bet they ain’t together right now. So sad.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


First of all, Erica needs Jesus!!! This nappy headed heffa is a bully and you can so tell that she's jealous of Rima! But coming at her about her BD not taking care of her son pist me off!!! How dare she go that low!!! The sad thing is that I liked Erica at first. I was team pretty girls but now that Erica's gone to the darkside, she works my nerves.  I am so proud of Rima because those girls are pitiful. The only one on there who actually got a little sense is Christina because at least she's not a follower like Falen, Meghan and Julie! Rima's better than me cause I would "GO HAM" if they messed with my stuff! That's one thing about that house I can't stand, why you gotta mess with their stuff?! Yeah I know she did it to Meghan but Meghan did it to her first! That wasn't very Obama like!

Oh and about that dumb heffa claiming to be Obama's step-daughter, I mean really? Honey is your life that sad that you have to front like that? I swear I sit there watching these shows and just think to myself, where do they get these hot ghetto messes? But then I have to remember that these girls are in their 20's and don't know about life yet. Plus they think if they act or talk a certain way, they'll be famous or something. But is that what you really want to be famous for? For being a young, stupid, ghetto chick? I guess that's better than no fame at all in their eyes.

Now Julie ole hot mess self irritates my soul. First of all, how she going to say she wooped Rima's ass when Rima clearly got wit her! And is it me or does she have a speech impediment? She sounds like she has marbles in her mouth and being nice by saying marbles! She's such an instigator and it's only because she's jealous of the prettier girls. You can tell this is a house full of low self-esteem girls.  Including miss I think I'm so pretty cause I'm exotic, Falen. No heffa you are not cute one bit. You look like a chicken head for real...Cockadoodledoo heffa!!! Oooh I hope Rima woops Erika's and everyone else's butt!


First of all, this show gets me so mad but I can't stop watching it!!! It's amazing how a tv show can have so much affect on me emotionally...with that said, here's my rant!!!

My question is does Shay aka Bucky have any kids? Obviously not if she encourages Lil Scrappy not to do what he's obligated to do in paying his Child Support!!! I mean really!!! He's making money and babies so why not take care of that child like a real man?! Then this silly broad gonna tell him not to get the courts, lawyers and child support office involved! Well obviously someone needs to be involved to make him do what he needs to do. Then he told Shay that Erika was saying to put the money in her account but on the last show, she said to put it in a seperate account for the child and he said he ain't got to it yet! Ugh I am so annoyed by that because they think it's all good for the mother's to foot all the expenses of raising their child and they can just go kick it with the next broad!!! If Shay was a real woman, she would tell him he needs to take care of his responsibility period! And that sorry, hot mess weave having heffa Shay is such an opportunist that she'll do anything to be relavent and be back on tv again...(need we bring up kissing flava flav?)  Yeah that's nasty...

Then the Stevie, Mimi, Joseline triangle is working my nerves!!! That Stevie J is so slimy and disgusting that I just want to punch him in the face!!! But then again, he's just like so many other guys I know and have dated! I used to get so mad at Mimi for even dealing with his sorry ass (oh don't get me wrong, I still think she's a fool) but after last night's episode, I can understand why she puts up with it. As humans, we are always searching for what we didn't get as a child. The majority of women grew up without fathers and are searching for that love and acceptance we didn't receive from our fathers, in the men we choose. I have been guilty of this myself. I have also been guilty of going back to a man that cheated on me and lied about it over and over again. I understand that when you love someone, especially if you have a child by them, you just don't want to let go. But there comes a time when you have to do what's best for you and your child and that includes letting go of the things/people in your life that's not good for you. It has been proven that Stevie J is a dog and continues to cheat on Mimi so going to counseling together isn't going to help. Matter of fact, I just seen an article saying that he got some chick named Tammie Grant pregnant! I seen another article that he's suppose to be engaged to Joseline!

Speaking of Joseline, have we establish that Joseline isn't really a man yet cause the more I watch it, the more suspect he/she looks!!! Yeah ok she was suppose to be pregnant and got an abortion but did we ever see her go into the clinic and she could've had any tramp pee on the test!!! I'm just saying...All I know is that all yall heffa's out there doing him raw like that is going to have yall in the clinic and not for no abortion! He's a walking desease bag waiting to unleash his furry. And while I'm talking about his sleazy, slimmy ass, is it me or does he look a little down low? Something a lil sweet to me about good ole Stevie J.  I'm just saying. Mimi, I understand you didn't get loved right as a child and as a woman with daddy issues myself, I understand looking for love from a man but he ain't the one! You need to love yourself and show your daughter how to love herself because she's going to go thru the same thing you and most women now a days are going thru.

Now poor K. Michele...she so looking for the wrong type of man. I understand her wanting someone fun to kick it with but the type of guy that's her type of fun isn't the type of man she needs to be with. He's just there for fun and to kick it with, not be in a serious relationship. I get it, she's a hood chick wanting a hood dude but c'mon you know what comes with a hood dude...drama, drama, and more drama. I call them DD's, Drama Dudes!!! Coming from a woman whose had her fair share of DD's it's so not worth the fun. She needs to find a nice dude and re-evaluate what she considers fun. In other words, if she wants a quality man, she needs to become a quality woman...I'm just sayin...