First of all, Erica needs Jesus!!! This nappy headed heffa is a bully and you can so tell that she's jealous of Rima! But coming at her about her BD not taking care of her son pist me off!!! How dare she go that low!!! The sad thing is that I liked Erica at first. I was team pretty girls but now that Erica's gone to the darkside, she works my nerves. I am so proud of Rima because those girls are pitiful. The only one on there who actually got a little sense is Christina because at least she's not a follower like Falen, Meghan and Julie! Rima's better than me cause I would "GO HAM" if they messed with my stuff! That's one thing about that house I can't stand, why you gotta mess with their stuff?! Yeah I know she did it to Meghan but Meghan did it to her first! That wasn't very Obama like!
Oh and about that dumb heffa claiming to be Obama's step-daughter, I mean really? Honey is your life that sad that you have to front like that? I swear I sit there watching these shows and just think to myself, where do they get these hot ghetto messes? But then I have to remember that these girls are in their 20's and don't know about life yet. Plus they think if they act or talk a certain way, they'll be famous or something. But is that what you really want to be famous for? For being a young, stupid, ghetto chick? I guess that's better than no fame at all in their eyes.

Now Julie ole hot mess self irritates my soul. First of all, how she going to say she wooped Rima's ass when Rima clearly got wit her! And is it me or does she have a speech impediment? She sounds like she has marbles in her mouth and being nice by saying marbles! She's such an instigator and it's only because she's jealous of the prettier girls. You can tell this is a house full of low self-esteem girls. Including miss I think I'm so pretty cause I'm exotic, Falen. No heffa you are not cute one bit. You look like a chicken head for real...Cockadoodledoo heffa!!! Oooh I hope Rima woops Erika's and everyone else's butt!
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