First of all, this show gets me so mad but I can't stop watching it!!! It's amazing how a tv show can have so much affect on me emotionally...with that said, here's my rant!!!
My question is does Shay aka Bucky have any kids? Obviously not if she encourages Lil Scrappy not to do what he's obligated to do in paying his Child Support!!! I mean really!!! He's making money and babies so why not take care of that child like a real man?! Then this silly broad gonna tell him not to get the courts, lawyers and child support office involved! Well obviously someone needs to be involved to make him do what he needs to do. Then he told Shay that Erika was saying to put the money in her account but on the last show, she said to put it in a seperate account for the child and he said he ain't got to it yet! Ugh I am so annoyed by that because they think it's all good for the mother's to foot all the expenses of raising their child and they can just go kick it with the next broad!!! If Shay was a real woman, she would tell him he needs to take care of his responsibility period! And that sorry, hot mess weave having heffa Shay is such an opportunist that she'll do anything to be relavent and be back on tv again...(need we bring up kissing flava flav?) Yeah that's nasty...
Then the Stevie, Mimi, Joseline triangle is working my nerves!!! That Stevie J is so slimy and disgusting that I just want to punch him in the face!!! But then again, he's just like so many other guys I know and have dated! I used to get so mad at Mimi for even dealing with his sorry ass (oh don't get me wrong, I still think she's a fool) but after last night's episode, I can understand why she puts up with it. As humans, we are always searching for what we didn't get as a child. The majority of women grew up without fathers and are searching for that love and acceptance we didn't receive from our fathers, in the men we choose. I have been guilty of this myself. I have also been guilty of going back to a man that cheated on me and lied about it over and over again. I understand that when you love someone, especially if you have a child by them, you just don't want to let go. But there comes a time when you have to do what's best for you and your child and that includes letting go of the things/people in your life that's not good for you. It has been proven that Stevie J is a dog and continues to cheat on Mimi so going to counseling together isn't going to help. Matter of fact, I just seen an article saying that he got some chick named Tammie Grant pregnant! I seen another article that he's suppose to be engaged to Joseline!
Speaking of Joseline, have we establish that Joseline isn't really a man yet cause the more I watch it, the more suspect he/she looks!!! Yeah ok she was suppose to be pregnant and got an abortion but did we ever see her go into the clinic and she could've had any tramp pee on the test!!! I'm just saying...All I know is that all yall heffa's out there doing him raw like that is going to have yall in the clinic and not for no abortion! He's a walking desease bag waiting to unleash his furry. And while I'm talking about his sleazy, slimmy ass, is it me or does he look a little down low? Something a lil sweet to me about good ole Stevie J. I'm just saying. Mimi, I understand you didn't get loved right as a child and as a woman with daddy issues myself, I understand looking for love from a man but he ain't the one! You need to love yourself and show your daughter how to love herself because she's going to go thru the same thing you and most women now a days are going thru.
Now poor K. Michele...she so looking for the wrong type of man. I understand her wanting someone fun to kick it with but the type of guy that's her type of fun isn't the type of man she needs to be with. He's just there for fun and to kick it with, not be in a serious relationship. I get it, she's a hood chick wanting a hood dude but c'mon you know what comes with a hood dude...drama, drama, and more drama. I call them DD's, Drama Dudes!!! Coming from a woman whose had her fair share of DD's it's so not worth the fun. She needs to find a nice dude and re-evaluate what she considers fun. In other words, if she wants a quality man, she needs to become a quality woman...I'm just sayin...
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